Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Been A Long Time

It's been a while - almost a year to be exact and during which, so much has occurred.

Reading back and reminiscing on my mindset last March, I realize that not much has changed in the world, and if anything, everything that has happened only re-affirms what I previously thought - and to a greater degree.

Simply put, the world, or rather, our society, is going to shit.

By that, I mean that when push comes to shove, something's got to give.

What a more perfect example than the BP oil drilling disaster - a chronological landmark that will probably last for the rest of my cognizant lifetime, cementing the fact that in our current society, the rich make the rules.

So what has happened since last March?

I've moved - first from San Diego to Irvine, then from Irvine to New Orleans, then from Uptown New Orleans to Mid-City New Orleans, and finally, from Mid-City to New Orleans East - Versai, otherwise known as home.

The BP oil spill occurred, wiping out an already struggling Gulf Coast fishing industry and community. To this date, fisherfolk - white, black, Cajun, Creole, native american, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai - have not been justly compensated for subsistence damage. Hundreds of thousands of people became unemployed overnight with peripheral effects spreading to other industries such as the restaurant business.

Arizona SB 1070 - State sanctioned terror against people of color.

Kanye West releases 'My Dark and Twisted Fantasy'

The shooting incident in Arizona involving Congresswoman Gifford - homegrown terrorism.

DJ Kool Herc is hospitalized.

Brisenia Flores, 9 years of age, shot and killed by 'anti-illegal immigrant vigilantes' - in other words,

Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, with more to come.

Republican assault on Planned Parenthood, NPR, and Americorps.

The list could go on but I'm kind of lazy. Just want to start posting more regularly again... about life, thoughts, and perhaps my struggling garden (it's weird to think that sunlight could be such a limited/hard-to-obtain resource).

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